If you still want to be part of the program, you can. By rejoining our program, you'll unlock exclusive perks and discounts across our extensive product range. Plus, you'll be joining a community of passionate pet lovers who are dedicated to providing the best care for their beloved animals.

Re-join THE Breeder program Re-join THE Breeder program

Re-join THE KENNEL / CATTERY  program Re-join THE KENNEL / CATTERY  program

Your feedback is incredibly important to us. If you have a moment, we'd love for you to share why you haven't purchased or engaged with our brands recently.

If you can spare a minute or two, please fill in the form below!

Your insights will help us enhance our program to better meet your needs and the needs of others in the future.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Kennel / Cattery Name
Why did you stop purchasing or not purchase from us?
If Other - Please let us know more
What pet food brand do you feed now?
Why do you feed the brand above?
Where do you purchase your food now?
How much do you roughly spend per month on pet food?
Please provide any other feedback below

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